Show HN: Open Sourcing Our No-Code WebXR Editor After 5 Years of Development

Show HN: Open Sourcing Our No-Code WebXR Editor After 5 Years of Development Transfer Thought is a No-Code platform that makes it so anyone can build VR apps directly in their browser. We started this company part-time, building it during commutes to and from work on the train. Over the last 5 years, we've experienced many ups and downs: - Gained early customers - Quit our day jobs - Secured angel funding - Survived with a short runway - Accepted into Techstars Chicago - Survived with a short runway (again) - Landed our biggest client ever, a Fortune 100 company - Despite our highest revenue, our burn rate caught up to us We looked at different ways to wind down the company and ultimately felt open sourcing the platform was the best way to do right by our customers. Now, anyone who is interested in starting a VR company or just building an app can pick up where we left off. I'm excited about this space, if you need help with a VR app, or want to talk tech, please reach out. Check out the repo: Contact me at keenan [at] transferthought [dot] com. July 4, 2024 at 02:03AM
